Monday, May 28, 2007

International connections

Although it might not be a normal thing for an art class to do, this semester some of my students have been "epals" with a class in Italy. One of my students from last semester, Josh, used to talk all the time about the Food Network, so when one of the Italian students began his first letter "My name is Francesco and I love food!" I knew I had a match. Recently, Francesco sent along a recipe for Spaghetti Alla Carbonara. Josh isn't in my class anymore, but conveniently he is now in Home Ec - so I brought the ingredients and this week he cooked the dish in Mrs. McGill's Home Ec. class. I was lucky enough to have a plate delivered to me as well. It was delicious!


Kesha Bruce said...

Betty- this is the coolest idea ever. How fun!

Betty C. Bowen said...

Thanks Kesha, it was fun, I just wish we'd started sooner in the year.

But it reminds me - the piece of student art about "famous artist Kesha Bruce" is too big for my scanner, so I'll take a picture of it tonight. It's pretty sweet.