Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A sounding board

I don't really know what a "sounding board" is, but I know it is important for artists to have at least one. Somebody who has known our work for a long long time, and whose aesthetic judgement is solid and trusted. In my case, that would be Mary Dryburgh Gustafson. I just wanted to share a shapshot Mary sent to show me one of her new paintings. I don't know the title, but it is the black crow on the yellow ground, an homage to Baskin's crow. Mary (the tall woman) has worked with images of crows off and on for 20 years or so. We visited this weekend and talked about the art we are working on (and not working on) and she was feeling like she wasn't getting anything done. I encouraged her to do a series of relief prints. Mary's woodcuts are always very powerful things, and she hasn't been doing enough of them lately (in my opinion). We also discussed how I am apparently unable to successfully work in black and white, which is her strong suit. After seeing this crow image however, I think she can add yellow.

1 comment:

Kesha Bruce said...

Hey Betty-

Where can we see more of Mary's work? I'd love to see more of those crows!